The true guardians of the city

ROME – December 1st, 2022    On the occasion of the first SHIELD Project Workshop, at the Great Mosque of Rome on December 1st 2022, Rav Scialom Bahbout in his speech, highlighting the Shield’s first results on physical security of the worship infrastructures, has reminded the fundamental problem: educating the younger generations to respect human… Continue reading The true guardians of the city

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SHIELD Short Report on the Workshop in Rome

The Shield project first workshop that was allocated to Italy timely took place on the 1st of December 2022 in Aula Magna of the Grande Moschea of Rome.   On the occasion, prominent institutional, social, religious guest speakers contributed to foster the interfaith efforts and brainstorm the complex phenomenon of violent extremism with aim to design new… Continue reading SHIELD Short Report on the Workshop in Rome

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SHIELD: first workshop

ROME – December 1st, 2022    The 1st workshop of the SHIELD project will take place on December 1st 2022 in the Conference Room – Aula Magna of the Great Mosque of Rome, Italy.   The goal of the SHIELD workshop is to increase the visibility of the project, enhance the dissemination of its activities… Continue reading SHIELD: first workshop

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Praying in safety: Security means more than alarms and locks

Over the past few years, Europe was exposed to an asymmetrical progression of international terrorism threat comprising the carrying out of attacks inside or around religious buildings located in the densely populated urban public spaces. In the current climate, believers of different faiths are increasingly finding themselves under siege. The polarization and exploitation of religious confrontation has… Continue reading Praying in safety: Security means more than alarms and locks

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Praying in safety: the Shield project to protect the sacred places of the three monotheistic faiths

The widespread prevalence of terrorist attacks carried out by individuals as well as by armed groups all over Europe but also in several extra European countries has created significant unsafety insecurity affecting also places of worship which have often been the target of terrorist attacks causing the death of dozens of people. Nowadays some people… Continue reading Praying in safety: the Shield project to protect the sacred places of the three monotheistic faiths

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SHIELD: preliminary achievements of the project

SHIELD (solutions to enhance interfaith protection of places of worship from terrorist danger) is a project funded by the European Commission and, in particular, by the European Union’s Internal Security Fund – Police. The project, coordinated by the SYNYO GmbH, started in January 2022 and will run for two years. SHIELD will conceptualise solutions to… Continue reading SHIELD: preliminary achievements of the project

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