SHIELD: first workshop

ROME – December 1st, 2022 


The 1st workshop of the SHIELD project will take place on December 1st 2022 in the Conference Room – Aula Magna of the Great Mosque of Rome, Italy.


The goal of the SHIELD workshop is to increase the visibility of the project, enhance the dissemination of its activities and preliminary results as well as create new synergies, both in terms of clusters and EC-funded projects.

We invite representatives of religious organisations, security practitioners, policy makers and personnel from LEAs and municipalities.


The program will include:

  • a general presentation of the SHIELD project and current research findings, in particular with an overview of past terrorist attacks to places of worship in the XXI century;
  • presentation of the Vulnerability Assessment Checklist (VAC), the SHIELD tool in order to perform the vulnerability assessment of places of worship;
  • presentations of other projects in the same framework and field of research;
  • presentations from speakers coming from LEAs and security practitioners.


Click on the image below to download the Agenda:

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